General Topics and Background


This guide has been permanently moved to where you can find the latest version.

In this section will we walk through various topics about building software that are helpful background or otherwise general topics that are important for a good RPM Packager to be familiar with.

  • What is Source Code?
  • How Programs Are Made
  • Building from source into an output artifact (what type of artifact will depend on the scenario and we will define what this means more specifically with examples).
  • Patching Software
  • Placing those output artifacts somewhere on the system that is useful within the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard.

What is Source Code?


If you are familiar with what the following terms mean then feel free to skip this section: source code, programming, programming languages.

In the world of computer software, source code is the term used to the representation of instructions to the computer about how to perform a task in a way that is human readable, normally as simple text. This human readable format is expressed using a programming language which basically boils down to a set of rules about that programmers learn so that the text they write is meaningful to the computer.


There are many thousands of programming languages in the world. In this document we will provide examples of only a couple, some finer points of various programming languages are going to vary but hopefully this guide will prove to be a good conceptual overview.

For example, the following three examples are all a very simple program that will display the text Hello World to the command line. The reason for three versions of the example will become apparent in the next section but this is three implementations of the same program written in different programming languages. The program is a very common starting place for newcomers to the programming world so it may appear familiar to some readers, but if it doesn’t do not worry.


In the first two examples below, the #! line is known as a shebang and is not technically part of the programming language source code.

This version of the example is written in the bash shell built in scripting language.



printf "Hello World\n"

This version of the example is written in a programming language named Python.

#!/usr/bin/env python

print("Hello World")

This version of the example is written in a programming language named C.


#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
    printf("Hello World\n");
    return 0;

The finer points of how to write software isn’t necessarily important at this time but if you felt so inclined to learn to program that would certainly be beneficial in your adventures as a software packager.

As mentioned before, the output of both examples to the command line will be simply, Hello World when the source code is built and run. The topic of how that happens is up next!

How Programs Are Made

Before we dive too far into how to actually build code it is best to first understand a few items about software source code and how it becomes instructions to the computer. Effectively, how programs are actually made. There many ways in which a program can be executed but it boils down to effectively two common methods:

  1. Natively Compiled
  2. Interpreted (Byte Compiled and Raw Interpreted)

Natively Compiled Code

Software written in programming languages that compile to machines code or directly to a binary executable (i.e. - something that the computer natively understands without an help) that can be run stand alone is considered to be Natively Compiled. This is important for building RPM Packages because packages built this way are what is known as architecture specific, meaning that if you compile this particular piece of software on a computer that uses a 64-bit (x86_64) AMD or Intel processor, it will not execute on a (x86) 32-bit AMD or Intel processor. The method by which this happens will be covered in the next section.

Interpreted Code

There are certain programming languages that do not compile down to a representation of program that the computer natively understands. These programs are Interpreted and require a Language Interpreter or Language Virtual Machine(VM). The name interpreter comes from its similarities with how human language interpreters convert between two representations of human speech to allow two people to talk, a programming language interpreter converts from a format that the computer doesn’t “speak” to one that it does.

There are two types of Interpreted Languages, Byte Compiled and Raw Interpreted and the distinction between these is useful to keep in mind when packaging software because of the actual %build process is going to be very different and sometimes in the case of Raw Interpreted Languages there will be no series of steps required at all for the %build. (What %build means in detail will be explained later, but the short version is this is how we tell the RPM Packaging system to actually perform the build). Where as Byte Compiled programming languages will perform a build task that will “compile” or “translate” the code from the programming language source that is human readable to an intermediate representation of the program that is more efficient for the programming language interpreter to execute.

Software written entirely in programming languages such as bash shell script and Python (as used in our example) are Interpreted and therefore are not architecture specific which means the resulting RPM Package that is created will be considered noarch. Indicating that it does not have an architecture associated with it.

Building Software from Source

In this section we will discuss and provide examples of building software from its source code.


If you are comfortable building software from source code please feel free to skip this section and move on. However, if you’d like to stick around and read it then please feel free and it will hopefully serve as a refresher or possibly contain something interesting that’s new to you.

Source code must go through a build process and that process will vary based on specific programming language but most often this is referred to as compiling or translating the software. For software written in interpreted programming languages this step may not be necessary but sometimes it is desirable to perform what is known as byte compiling as its build process. We will cover each scenario below. The resulting built software can then be run or “executed” which tells the computer to perform the task described to it in the source code provided by the programmer who authored the software.


There are various methods by which software written in different programming languages can vary heavily. If the software you are interested in packaging doesn’t follow the exact examples here, this will hopefully be an objective guideline.

Natively Compiled Code

Referencing the example previously used that is written in C (listed again below for the sake of those who may have skipped the previous section), we will build this source code into something the computer can execute.


#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
    printf("Hello World\n");
    return 0;

Build Process

In the below example we are going to invoke the C compiler from the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).

gcc -o cello cello.c

From here we can actually execute the resulting output binary.

$ ./cello
Hello World

That’s it! You’ve built natively compiled software from source code!

Let’s take this one step further and add a GNU make Makefile which will help automate the building of our code. This is an extremely common practice by real large scale software and is a good thing to become familiar with as a RPM Packager. Let’s create a file named Makefile in the same directory as our example C source code file named cello.c.


        gcc -o cello cello.c

        rm cello

Now to build our software we can simply run the command make, below you will see the command run more than once just for the sake of seeing what is expected behavior.

$ make
make: 'cello' is up to date.

$ make clean
rm cello

$ make
gcc -o cello cello.c

$ make
make: 'cello' is up to date.

+$ ./cello
Hello World

Congratulations! You have now both compiled software manually and used a build tool!

Interpreted Code

For software written in interpreted programming languages, we know that we don’t need to compile it, but if it’s a byte compiled language such as Python there may still be a step required.

Referencing the two examples previously (listed again below for the sake of those who may have skipped the previous section), for Python we will build this source code into something the Python Language Interpreter (known as CPython) can execute.


In the two examples below, the #! line is known as a shebang and is not technically part of the programming language source code.

The shebang allows us to use a text file as an executable and the system program loader will parse the line at the top of the file containing a #! character sequence looking a path to the binary executable to use as the programming language interpreter.

Byte Compiled Code

As mentioned previously, this version of the example is written in a programming language named Python and its default language virtual machine is one that executes byte compiled code. This will “compile” or “translate” the source code into an intermediate format that is optimized and will be much faster for the language virtual machine to execute.

#!/usr/bin/env python

print("Hello World")

The exact procedure to byte compile programs based on language will differ heavily based on the programming language, its language virtual machine, and the tools or processes that are common within that programming language’s community. Below is an example using Python.


The practice of byte compiling Python is common but the exact procedure shown here is not. This is meant to be a simple example. For more information, please reference the Software Packaging and Distribution documentation.

$ python -m compileall
$ python pello.pyc
Hello World

$ file pello.pyc
pello.pyc: python 2.7 byte-compiled

You can see here that after we byte-compiled the source .py file we now have a .pyc file which is of python 2.7 byte-compiled filetype. This file can be run with the python language virtual machine and is more efficient than passing in just the raw source file, which is a desired attribute of resulting software we as a RPM Packager will distribute out to systems.

Raw Interpreted

This version of the example is written in the bash shell built in scripting language.



printf "Hello World\n"

UNIX-style shells have scripting languages, much like bash does, but programs written in these languages do not have any kind of byte compile procedure and are interpreted directly as they are written so the only procedure we have to do is make the file executable and then run it.

$ chmod +x bello
$ ./bello
Hello World

Patching Software

In software and computing a patch is the term given to source code that is meant to fix other code, this is similar to the way that someone will use a piece of cloth to patch another piece of cloth that is part of a shirt or a blanket. Patches in software are formatted as what is called a diff since it represents what is different between to pieces of source code. A diff is created using the diff command line utility that is provided by diffutils and then it is applied to the original source code using the tool patch.


Software developer will often use “Version Control Systems” such as git to manage their code base. Tools like these provide their own methods of creating diffs or patching software but those are outside the scope of this document.

Let’s walk through an example where we create a patch from the original source code using diff and then apply it using the patch utility. We will revisit patching software in a later section when it comes to actually building RPMs and hopefully this exercise will prove its usefulness at that time. First step in patching software is to preserve the original source code because we want to keep the original source code in pristine condition as we will “patch it” instead of simply modifying it. A common practice for this is to copy it and append .orig to the filename. Let’s do that now.

$ cp cello.c cello.c.orig

Next, we want to make an edit to cello.c using our favorite text editor. Update your cello.c to match the output below.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
    printf("Hello World from my very first patch!\n");
    return 0;

Now that we have our original source code preserved and the updated source code written, we can generate a patch using the diff utility.


Here we are using a handful of common arguments for the diff utility and their documentation is out of the scope of this document. Please reference the manual page on your local machine with: man diff for more information.

$ diff -Naur cello.c.orig cello.c
--- cello.c.orig        2016-05-26 17:21:30.478523360 -0500
+++ cello.c     2016-05-27 14:53:20.668588245 -0500
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@

 int main(void){
-    printf("Hello World!\n");
+    printf("Hello World from my very first patch!\n");
     return 1;
\ No newline at end of file

This is the output, you can see lines that start with a - are being removed from the original source code and replaced by the line that starts with +. Let’s now save that output to a file this time by redirecting the output to a file so that we can use it later with the patch utility. It is not a requirement but it’s good practice to use a meaningful filename when creating patches.

$ diff -Naur cello.c.orig cello.c > cello-output-first-patch.patch

Now we want to restore the cello.c file to its original source code such that it is restored to its pristine state and we we can patch it with our new patch file. The reason this particular process is important is because this is how it is done when building RPMs, the original source code is left in pristine condition and we patch it during the process that prepares to source code to be built.

$ cp cello.c.orig cello.c

Next up, let’s go ahead and patch the source code by redirecting the patch file to the patch command.

$ patch < cello-output-first-patch.patch
patching file cello.c

$ cat cello.c

int main(void){
    printf("Hello World from my very first patch!\n");
    return 1;

From the output of the cat command we can see that the patch has been successfully applied, let’s build and run it now.

$ make clean
rm cello

$ make
gcc -o cello cello.c

$ ./cello
Hello World from my very first patch!

Congratulations, you have successfully created a patch, patched software, built the patched software and run it!

Next up, installing things!

Installing Arbitrary Artifacts

One of the many really nice things about Linux systems is the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) which defines areas of the filesystem in which things should be placed. As a RPM Packager this is extremely useful because we will always know where to place things that come from our source code.

This section references the concept of an Arbitrary Artifact which in this context is anything you can imagine that is a file that you want to install somewhere on the system within the FHS. It could be a simple script, a pre-existing binary, the binary output of source code that you have created as a side effect of a build process, or anything else you can think up. We discuss it in such a vague vocabulary in order to demonstrate that the system nor RPM care what the Artifact in question is. To both RPM and the system, it is just a file that needs to exist in a pre-determined place. The permissions and the type of file it is makes it special to the system but that is for us as a RPM Packager to decide.

For example, once we have built our software we can then place it on the system somewhere that will end up in the system $PATH so that they can be found and executed easily by users, developers, and sysadmins alike. We will explore two ways to accomplish this as they each are quite popular approaches used by RPM Packagers.

install command

When placing arbitrary artifacts onto the system without build automation tooling such as GNU make or because it is a simple script and such tooling would be seen as unnecessary overhead, it is a very common practice to use the install command (provided to the system by coreutils) to place the artifact in a correct location on the filesystem based on where it should exist in the FHS along with appropriate permissions on the target file or directory.

The example below is going to use the bello file that we had previously created as the arbitrary artifact subject to our installation method. Note that you will either need sudo permissions or run this command as root excluding the sudo portion of the command.

$ sudo install -m 0755 bello /usr/bin/bello

As this point, we can execute bello from our shell no matter what our current working directory is because it has been installed into our $PATH.

$ cd ~/

$ bello
Hello World

make install

A very popular mechanism by which you will install software from source after it’s built is by using a command called make install and in order to do that we need to enhance the Makefile we created previously just a little bit.


The creation of Makefile is normally done by the developer who writes the original source code of the software in question and as a RPM Packager this is not generally something you will need to do. This is purely an exercise for background knowledge and we will expand upon this as it relates to RPM Packaging later.

Open the Makefile file up in your favorite text editor and make the appropriate edits needed so that it ends up looking exactly as the following.


The use of $(DESTDIR) is a GNU make built-in and is commonly used to install into alternative destination directories.


        gcc -o cello cello.c

        rm cello

        mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin
        install -m 0755 cello $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/cello

Now we are able to use the make file to both build and install the software from source. Note that for the installation portion, like before when we ran the raw install command, you will need either sudo permissions or be the root user and omit the sudo portion of the command.

The following will build and install the simple cello.c program that we had written previously.

$ make
gcc -o cello cello.c

$ sudo make install
install -m 0755 cello /usr/bin/cello

Just as in the previous example, we can now execute cello from our shell no matter what our current working directory is because it has been installed into our $PATH.

$ cd ~/

$ cello
Hello World

Congratulations, you have now installed a build artifact into its proper location on the system!

Prepping our example upstream source code


If you’re familiar with how upstream software is distributed and would like to skip this, please feel free to download the example source code for our fake upstream projects skip this section. However if you are curious how the examples are created please feel free to read along.

Now that we have our RPM Packaging Workspace setup, we should create simulated upstream compressed archives of the example programs we have made. We will once again list them here just in case a previous section was skipped.


What we are about to do here in this section is not normally something a RPM Packager has to do, this is normally what happens from an upstream software project, product, or developer who actually releases the software as source code. This is simply to setup the RPM Build example space and give some insight into where everything actually comes from.

We will also assume GPLv3 as the Software License for all of these simulated upstream software releases. As such, we will need a LICENSE file included with each source code release. We include this in our simulated upstream software release because encounters with a Software License when packaging RPMs is a very common occurrence for a RPM Packager and we should know how to properly handle them.


The method used below to create the LICENSE file is known as a here document.

Let us go ahead and make a LICENSE file that can be included in the source code “release” for each example.

$ cat > /tmp/LICENSE <<EOF
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Each implementation of the Hello World example script will be created into a gzip compressed tarball which will be used to simulate what an upstream project might release as its source code to then be consumed and packaged for distribution.

Below is an example procedure for each example implementation.


For the bash example implementation we will have a fake project called bello and since the project named bello produces one thing and that’s a shell script named bello then it will only contain that in its resulting tar.gz. Let’s pretend that this is version 0.1 of that software and we’ll mark the tar.gz file as such.

Here is the listing of the file as mentioned before.



printf "Hello World\n"

Let’s make a project tar.gz out of our source code.

$ mkdir /tmp/bello-0.1

$ mv ~/bello /tmp/bello-0.1/

$ cp /tmp/LICENSE /tmp/bello-0.1/

$ cd /tmp/

$ tar -cvzf bello-0.1.tar.gz bello-0.1

$ mv /tmp/bello-0.1.tar.gz ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/


For the Python example implementation we will have a fake project called pello and since the project named pello produces one thing and that’s a small program named then it will only contain that in its resulting tar.gz. Let’s pretend that this is version 0.1.1 of this software and we’ll mark the tar.gz file as such.

Here is the listing of the file as mentioned before.

#!/usr/bin/env python

print("Hello World")

Let’s make a project tar.gz out of our source code.

$ mkdir /tmp/pello-0.1.1

$ mv ~/ /tmp/pello-0.1.1/

$ cp /tmp/LICENSE /tmp/pello-0.1.1/

$ cd /tmp/

$ tar -cvzf pello-0.1.1.tar.gz pello-0.1.1

$ mv /tmp/pello-0.1.1.tar.gz ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/


For the C example implementation we will have a fake project called cello and since the project named cello produces two things, the source code to our program named cello.c and a Makefile we will need to make sure and include both of these in our tar.gz. Let’s pretend that this is version 1.0 of the software and we’ll mark the tar.gz file as such.

Here is the listing of the files involved as mentioned before.

You will notice the patch file is listed here, but it will not go in our project tarball because it is something that we as the RPM Packager will apply and not something that comes from the upstream source code. RPM Packages are built in such a way that the original upstream source code in preserved in its pristine form just as released by its creator. All patches required to the software happen at RPM Build time, not before. We will place that in the ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/ directory along side the “upstream” source code that we are simulating here. (More on this later).


#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
    printf("Hello World\n");
    return 0;


--- cello.c.orig        2016-05-26 17:21:30.478523360 -0500
+++ cello.c     2016-05-27 14:53:20.668588245 -0500
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@

 int main(void){
-    printf("Hello World\n");
+    printf("Hello World from my very first patch!\n");
     return 1;


        gcc -o cello cello.c

        rm cello

        mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin
        install -m 0755 cello $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/cello

Let’s make a project tar.gz out of our source code.

$ mkdir /tmp/cello-1.0

$ mv ~/cello.c /tmp/cello-1.0/

$ mv ~/Makefile /tmp/cello-1.0/

$ cp /tmp/LICENSE /tmp/cello-1.0/

$ cd /tmp/

$ tar -cvzf cello-1.0.tar.gz cello-1.0

$ mv /tmp/cello-1.0.tar.gz ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/

$ mv ~/cello-output-first-patch.patch ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/

Great, now we have all of our upstream source code prep’d and ready to be turned into RPMs!